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This Quiet House
curating a poetic of repair
“When we come upon beautiful things,
they act like small tears in the surface
of the world that pull us through to some
vaster space.”
Elaine Scarry, On Beauty and Being Just
“This exhibition is outstanding in its subtlety,
beauty & imagination”
”Exquisite, sensitive, reflective – a wonderful body of work”
Venue: General Office Gallery, Stourbridge, September 2022
An installation presenting film, drawing and sculptural works, exploring a poetic of repair. In early 2020 with a desire to return to large sculptural practice, five gifted parts of a discarded piano were placed in a garden.
A period of 12 months were tasked to study these objects and garden across the changing seasons; using photographic, written, filmed and drawn observations. The aim, to place attention on recovering
a deep relationship with creative voice and artistry. Born of a home entwining an artistic practice and caring for a home bound young person, this process of slow, observational making explored and developed a reflective meditation on recovery. The observed deterioration of the piano parts re-examined a relationship with aliveness and kinship. The flowering grasses, teased and nurtured by the wind became dried and poised, yet enduring.
With thanks to, A-N Bursary #TimeSpaceMoney support which has enabled a six-month period of professional/skill development and studio hire. To CJ Mahony and Sophie Hedderwick for mentoring and artistic input. To, General Office Gallery and Gallery Director, Simon Meddings.



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